As a kid I can remember tearing open my cereal box, bypassing the cereal and digging straight to the bottom for the little prize that was promised me in bold colorful letters on the outside of the box. Sure the cereal was good, but what I was really interested in was that cool gadget I was going to get for free. For years American companies have used incentives to help sell their products to children. That desire to win is only fuel for kids who will undoubtedly bug their parents until they win something, anything!
Betty Crocker has created a twist on this old but invaluable marketing tactic and extended its reach even further. Right now Betty Crocker is partnering with One Laptop Per Child a non-profit organization whose goal is to provide internet-connected laptops to kids in developing countries; especially those in Africa. The powers that be at Betty Crocker have found a way to mix traditional entrepreneurship with social entrepreneurship in a way never done before and they’re using as their driving consumer kids whose only income is probably their weekly allowance! How can they be success if they depend on this sector of the market to push their cause? Easy; on the box of popular Betty Crocker fruit snacks, such as Fruit Roll-ups and Fruit Gushers there is a free laptop giveaway. Just by buying a box of one of their fruit snacks kids could possibly win a new computer. As if that weren’t good enough, for every laptop that is won, Betty Crocker in conjunction with OLPC will give one away to a child in need. Betty Crocker has created a win-win situation for themselves and their consumers and possibly broadened their market with the hopes of a new computer. Their eye catching commercials to promote this social endeavor surely don’t hurt either.
These laptops will not only globalize these kids but also serve as an educational outlet. Different subjects like math and physics as well as other learning tools are already programmed on to the laptop allowing these kids the opportunity to get an education they otherwise would be denied because of the dire conditions that ravage their home country. Betty Crocker’s social entrepreneurship is helping to create educational equality around the world; a problem kids here probably aren’t extensively aware of. But by the end of this campaign kids here will know they too can change the world one Fruit Roll-Up at a time. Even if these kids don’t win a new laptop they can simply go to and join the “drum circle” where for every 240 kids who join a laptop will also be given away to a child in need.
pfft keep it in America.. win one and give one to another American and then I will support this. In our current state of economy their are many less fortunate children in America in need of a computer too.